POINT1 Appropriate KPI Setting
We visualize fieldsales activities with their personalized tendencies as problem, through an appropriate KPI setting and daily report of operations.
We offer effective one-stop sales BPO for clients' sales growth.
Growth of Marketing Resources and Time Acceleration in Recruiting and Training Process
Expansion of Marketing Route for Speedy Customer Acquisition
Sales Growth and Cost Reduction
We visualize fieldsales activities with their personalized tendencies as problem, through an appropriate KPI setting and daily report of operations.
We offer the best fluctuation-led staffing by taking advantage of our large operating fields, whereas it may be difficult for a system of in-house marketing.
The training methods for sales agents based on our years of shared expertise in contact center operations make clients possible to accomplish their business continuity with a minimum vacancy, such as to fill in for a sudden resignation.
We consult about the possible range of BPO on the basis of discussion papers.
Identify issues
We construct a hypothesis of assignments through surveys of service quality, value characteristics, and competitiveness, among others.
We formulate an action plan, design operation and strategy, and check KPI setting and detailed work divisions.
Trial (Feasibility)
We verify the feasibility of formulated strategic design, test sales, and KPI.
Start operation
We conduct routine check of quality and quantity for implementation of appropriate corrections.