SKY Perfect Customer-relations Corporation
The social media-driven real time support strategies for CX improvement and corporate image enhancement

SKY Perfect Customer-relations Corporation
The social media-driven real time support strategies for CX improvement and corporate image enhancementALL NIPPON AIRWAYS TRADING CO., LTD.
Improvement of Rate and Quality in Response by Establishing a Bi-Company "High Level of Collaboration"The Federation of Japanese Consumer Cooperatives
Quickly responds to COVID-19 mutual aid claims by implementing AI voicebot cloud service "ekubot ® VoiceLITE."Chugoku Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Co.
Maximization of the Result of BPO with Manualization for Consolidating Personalized OperationsJapanese Consumers' Co-operative Union.
Deployment and Utilization of Speech Recognition Tool to reduce Man-hour and Maintain Response QualityDAIWA HOUSE INDUSTRY CO., LTD.
The establishment of a high-quality operation under the BCP system with quality control across all centers.